Android studio plugin auto translate
Android studio plugin auto translate

All modifications to your app take place during the build process and are applied to intermediate files. We never touch your source code and resources. We are committed to a simple rule “No changes to your code” which means two important things: while building your app, it replaces app’s resources with updated translationsĪlso, when the Localazy Android library is integrated into your app, it collects stats to improve translations and to suggests languages you should translate your app into, integrates the Localazy Android library into the bytecode of your app so translations can be updated uploads strings including metadata about flavors, build types, integrates tightly with the Android Gradle plugin to understand your project’s that you can more quickly solve the problem.The plugin has several important functions: You’ll then also be able to ‘debug’ the program as it runs and get feedback explaining crashes etc. At the same time, Android Studio also enables you to run your code, either through an emulator or through a piece of hardware connected to your machine. Java is needed to write the programs, the Android SDK is needed to make those programs run on Android and Android Studio has the job of putting it all together for you.

android studio plugin auto translate

Think of this as an extension to the Java code that allows it to run smoothly on Android devices and take advantage of the native hardware. At the same time, Android Studio will give you access to the Android SDK or ‘Software Development Kit’. Android Studio is simply where you will write, edit and save your projects and the files that comprise said projects. If you choose Java, this will be installed separately on your machine. The programming language you will be using is either Java or Kotlin. As an IDE then, Android Studio’s job is to provide the interface for you to create your apps and to handle much of the complicated file-management behind the scenes.

Android studio plugin auto translate